Ideas for Classes

Ready to Teach?  You have an idea - We are Ready to Listen!

Teach your subject through classes, workshops, lectures, seminars,

crafts, author talks, round tables, Make and Takes, MLM, game nights,

excercise/dance, Q&A interviews, simple cooking, support groups, how-

tos, etc.

So Many Possibilities @ the Meadow House

There are hundreds of possible class topics.  Here are a few ideas to

get your creative juices in gear:

Possibilities on topics: 

All Aromatherapy classes MUST be taught by a Certified

Aromatherapist.  No exceptions.

Natural Health:  Herbs, Gardening, Essential Oils, Pregnancy, Fertility,

Hormones, Menopause, Breastfeeding, Baby Nutrition, Gluten, Autism,

Edible Plants, Food Diets (Raw, Gap, Paleo, Vegan), Depression,

Fatigue, Adrenals, Thyroid, Illnesses (auto-immune, cancer, gut

health), Tooth Decay, ETC.

Budget concerns - How to survive on a budget, Couponing, House

Renovations, DIY

Homeschooling - Waldorf, Unschooling, Charlotte Mason, Montessori,


Scrapbooking - Make and Take pages, Faithbooking, Thematic

Sewing - Create your own:  Diapers, Mama cloth, Teething pads, Breast

pads, Grocery sacks, Purses, etc.

Jewelry making - Create your own:  Leather anklets, Beaded names,

Hair twists, etc.

Photography - Basic DSLR handling, How to shoot an event, Lighting

techniques, etc.

Art - Painting, chalk, pastels, watercolors, as well as multi-media and

crafty projects, etc.
Author talks - Wrote a book?  Wrote an ebook? Come and Speak about

Computer help - Quickbooks, Blogger or Word Press, Apps, Fixing simple
problems, etc.
MLM businesses - Limited hours and times - You must actually teach or

do a make and take - contact us 

Clubs - Health Books, Chess, Train, Hobbies

How-tos - Lots of possibilities here!

Knitting, Cross-stitching, Quilting, Crocheting

Created a game?  Let people come and play it!

Gardening - Organic, Container, Square Box, Texas plants,

Landscaping, Pests

Non-profit support groups - Limited times and hours - Contact us for

more info!
Handyperson - Teach How to fix something

Make and Takes:  Homemade Playdough, Kombucha, Fermented, Kefir,

Crafts, Food, Make-up, Toothpaste, etc.

Conferences - Have you been to an interesting conference lately?

Come and talk about your favorite facts and experiences!


Make homemade playdough and then play with the dough


Projects from Curriculum

Science Experiments

Art and crafts of all kinds!

Teach about herbs, wild edibles, plants, gardening, etc!

History, Writing, Books - If you can teach and make it fun, let's do it!

Costume Parties, Tea Parties, etc.

So MANY possibilities!  Fill out the Teacher Inquiry form and lets

discuss YOUR idea!

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